Katherine Feemster is a friend of mine. She has been my friend since we were in Kindergarten.I remeber that she would usually be in trouble. My mm didn't really like her at first because she saw how Katherine acted like she was a bad influence for me. Last year was the first year that we started getting closer to eachother. I confessed to her about my problem that I have lived with for all my life. She then told me that she had also been through something worse than what I have been through. I remember telling her that now I understood her why she was how she was. I know that many people have told me that they think that she was stupid or retarded but I just thought that she needed love. That is what I think of people who act differently and so. Now that Katherine and I have told eachother our secrets we understand eachother more. I really have hated how she thinks that she is fat and doesn't eat but I can't change her or anyone. She says that it is her body but she is destroying it. I told her hat she has been really rude to people lately and she didn't agree to me until a few days ago. I don't think she is going to be the 'bad' Katherine she is just changeing alot. I hope that she gets through this soon.
1 comment:
I'm sorry to worry you. I am fine though. I mean acually I am not but then again I am. I am not mad this is YOUR feelings not mine. Now I get how you feel about some of these situations. I am sorry yes I did confess. It took me a while to realize.
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