Yesterday after school us Teensies organized a party for Ms.Duran because she is leaving.So Ms.Luna emailed the staff and Katty stalled Ms.D for a while so that we could get all the teachers into her room.So then I made up a story saying that Roxy and Kiki were fighting over the music that they wanted to hear.Ms.Duran tolde me that Roxy should go and talk to her.So then Mrs.Ahern said that she was going to talk to her so she told Ms.Duran that she needed to talk with her about her son.So finally Ms.Duran Got into the room and everyone yelled suprise!Ms.uran cried and Katty and I almost did to. It was fun.Then when we were alone with Ms.uran she told Kiki to put music on and so she got on the counter and started dancing!Then Roxy got on the counter.The Jona stood on the desk and everyone els did after.Kiki,Katty and Roxy started to take pictures with Kiki's phone.Then she put them on Myspace.Today Roxy showed it to me and I printed copies so that Ms.Duran could have copies and always remember that day.I am glad that it turned out how we wanted to for the most part.Like we Teensies say 'It hurts that Ms.D is leaving, but if she is happy we are happy and we don't want to hold her back from anything that she wants to do in her life.' WE LOVE YOU MS.D!!!
I love you guys, too! Ms. Duran
yea we had fun.
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