On a lighter note, I guess, in my psychology class we talked about stranger anxiety. I don't know what it has to do with this topic I am writing about but I just felt like sharing it. according to the Johari window I should be sharing everything with people I know, but I don't know you guys but I feel ok doing it so there.:-) as I have said before I have never really blogged before, in other words I don't know what bogging is all about, but what I seem to have understood is that you just write about random things, so I guess that is what I am basically doing with mine.
Prom is one of those things that I have seen is a really big thing where I live, especially with the girls, I don't know about the boys because imp a girl. Anyways I am a junior and I have decided that I will be going to this prom, even though it is for the seniors, so I went and got a dress and today I found out that my friend got the same one. That was my biggest fear, and I had told her a billion times about my dress and she still got the same one (but in shorter length). I don't want to make this a big deal and all but my mom will when she finds out.
So what has been going on with all these things that the stars do and people making it such a big deal out of it? I mean Tiger Woods for instance, he cheated so what; he is not the first man who has done it. I personally don't care what he doe, I mean it did bug me at first but what could I do? Nothing, that’s what. This doesn't change a thing about him to me, I mean I like him because he is the greatest golf player I have ever seen. And the president, all this stuff they are talking about him, like him going to schools. What the heck is wrong with that, I mean I would love for him to come to my high school, boy that would be great. News flash people he's actually trying to make the United States a better place. He is a very respectable man and I am soooooooooooooooo glad he is our president, please just stop this stuff and leave him and everyone else alone. You need to be worried about yourselves, what if your kid is ditching class and the other one is running away. Pay attention to your own lives because that is where you are there for a reason. Just get over it, they are human like everyone else.(I will continue on this topic in a later bog)
Another topic that I like to talk about is Michael Jackson and his family. He was a good man and now that he is dead his family is going through too much and the media won't leave them alone. My heart goes out to them, each and every one f them. To me they are the best family that is in the music business. I have seen the Jacksons: A Family Dynasty and they are the nicest people you will ever meet. I sure haven't met them, yet anyway, but I now this. How? I can't explain it but when you know something you just know. Please just let those children be happy and live a normal life, not only them but the rest of the family. His family and fans, we are all suffering but we will get through it.God bless that family.
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